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Your Remote Workforce Is Growing, Now What?

In this highly digital age, innovative technologies make it easier than ever to collaborate online effectively. Because of this, more and more businesses are emerging that operate on a primarily remote basis. Like any business, managing a remote workforce comes with its challenges, and if you’re like most business leaders, and are looking to grow – here are three keys to effectively scaling a remote workforce!

1) Invest in technology to streamline your processes

If you’re at the stage that you’re looking to scale, then you’ve likely already built a solid workflow for your business that defines areas such as how your employees communicate, how your clients are interacted with, and how work information is stored and transferred. While now focusing on growth, it is essential to continually analyse these work processes to identify areas where technologies may empower you and your team to work more effectively. It can be conflicting to consider changing your processes, but this change is also the key to unlocking the new potential that will allow you to operate more efficiently, and grow with more stability. Where possible, you should seek to utilise a single platform solution that can improve multiple aspects of your business, and by doing so, you’ll keep your work processes simple. 

2) Have a strong focus on effective task management

Task management is at the core of any workforce, and in the remote work case, this is especially important. Improvements made to your task management systems, will not only increase your day to day work efficiency but also enhance the accountability your staff has to one another. Building practices that drive accountability will help your team collaborate more comfortably, and these practices are made much easier through the application of a task management platform. When implementing a quality task management solution, you will also introduce the opportunity to automate repetitive tasks and further improve the productivity of your work processes. 



3) Pay close attention to your on-boarding practices

Growth of a remote workforce inevitably involves on-boarding new staff, who will need to get up to speed on your particular work processes and learn how to implement them effectively. How you handle this process will not only determine how quickly a new employee can begin work but also how effective they will be at their role once they start, so it is vital to ensure this process is optimised. The more efficiently you can introduce new staff to your remote work environment, the faster and more effectively you will grow, so it makes sense to invest in technology that can assist and streamline your induction processes. 

Alongside new employees, you will also be on-boarding more new clients than ever before. Improvements made to your staff on-boarding will also be highly applicable to your relevant client processes, making the investment in this area additionally valuable. 

It is clear that technology is at the core of effectively scaling a remote business, and the implementation of a single platform solution to handle communication, as well as task management and on-boarding is a highly efficient way to empower your growth. 

Both the employers and the employees must be committed to the prospects and demands of working remotely, especially during this period of social isolation. And the insights discussed in this article are excellent ways to start.


